Thursday, July 15, 2010

How Does My Garden Grow?

Ummm... well I have to say not very well. Apparently I don't have a green thumb. And yes I know, it is a very sad looking garden. This is the second year we have attempted to plant a few things in this tiny spot. Last year it gave us an abundance of tomatoes, swiss chard and all kinds of salad greens. This year... not so much. It might have something to do with all the rain we had last month or just my lack of talent. Not sure what is going on this time around as it is a battle to keep the grass at bay and the spinach is only a few inches high and already starting to flower. One good thing to come out of it is that the garden has inspired my in-laws to plant a few apple trees along side it in the hopes to bring good luck to our family. Some how I think it might have some thing more to do with grandchildren...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just another rainy day...

Well it's Sunday and it is raining miserably outside. Thus I have decided not to leave the house and stay in my jammies all day. I am sure we have all done this at one time or another. Haven't we? Come on lets be honest. Some days there is nothing better then the soft feel of flannel or your favorite fuzzies to keep you warm and cozy on a day that is so gloomy.

I seem to be having a lot of these jammie days lately. The cause is not necessarily due to laziness or that I happen to live in a city that is famous for its rain. Recently I have been told I have Hypothyroidism. It is with some great relief that I have been given a diagnosis after about a year of suffering. Lets just hope the medication works. I mean who wants to deal with extreme fatigue and exhaustion, weight gain, chronic headaches and dizzy spells, joint pain that makes you want to take an axe to your own limbs. Just to name a few. It is also very frustrating to have so many opinions from people who don't understand what your going through. I can honestly say it has sum-what ruined my life long dreams of following my desired career choice. Which I was well on my way of accomplishing. I now have to figure out a new path hopefully within the same industry.

I do feel extremely lucky to have been blessed with an understanding husband who supports me no matter what. Hypothyroid mood swings are nothing to sneer at. And a family who loves me unconditionally and willingly puts up with my complaints.

I would love to hear how other people are dealing with their Hypothyroid and can maybe offer opinions on diet, alternative treatments, ect...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A New Start

Okay, this is it! My first Official Blog. Not so sure why I started this but I have been obsessed lately with reading snip its in to other peoples lives. So I think it is about time I let the rest of world have a sneak peek into mine. Only fair don't you think? I can't promise that it will be the most interesting blog you ever read or that you will be so obsessed that you may even want to bookmark me. As a matter of fact I am not exactly sure of what I am even going to blog about. So here goes nothing...